Click on any photo to start the slide show.
Photos were donated by Sue PARKER SHIELDS.
Photo IDs:
- Photos are identified left to right.
- If a person is in the Atoka Cemetery Family Tree, his photo is linked
to his Family Tree page.
- * Frien' no Kin - An asterisk marks Friends of Atoka Cemetery
without kin buried in Atoka Cemetery.
- We have yet to place the following attendees in an Atoka Cemetery
Family Tree.
Photo 2, unidentified women between Harvey and Raymond O'NEAL
M/M Ed DAY, photo 3
M/M Voy MOORE, photo 7, 24
M/M James ALLEN, photo 1, 10, 24
Which daughter of Laura KINCAID McDANIEL, photo 11
Kitty PARKER GRIMES, photo 22
If we have incorrectly identified a Homecoming attendee, please let