Click on any photo to start the slide show.
Homecoming 19 May 2007 included the dedication of a United
Methodist Historic Marker to Rev. Hugh Martin CHILDRESS, Sr., who
was a militiaman and Texas Ranger before he became a Methodist
circuit rider known as the "Bear Hunting Preacher. The marker
dedication included a reenactment by Mark Winters.
Photos were donated by Sue PARKER SHIELDS.
Photo IDs:
- Photos are identified left to right.
- If a person is in the Atoka Cemetery Family Tree, his photo is linked
to his Family Tree page.
- * Frien' no Kin - An asterisk marks Friends of Atoka Cemetery
without kin buried in Atoka Cemetery.
- We have yet to place the following attendees in an Atoka Cemetery
Family Tree.
Colt with James RICHARDS, photo 1
Fannie and Gary VAUGHT, photo 9
Drey, Colt and with Clay RICHARDS, photo 10
Betty STEPHENS, photo 12
Lois CAMPBELL, photo 13
Lucille and Edward DAY, photo 16
Robert and Mary DAVIS, photo 17
Fran and Charles KIDWELL, photo 18
Edwina RAY and Cliff EARLY, photo 19
Dale and Arletta HERRING, Shelly STEPHENSON, photo 21
If we have incorrectly identified a Homecoming attendee, please let